Did the Kennedys murder Marilyn Monroe?
Most people are aware that there was a strong connection between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy family, especially John Kennedy and his brother, Robert. There is also speculation that the Kennedys were responsible for her death. Could this be the case?
It’s certainly true that Marilyn had affairs with both the Kennedy brothers. It’s also true that she had a serious problem with using excessive prescription medicines, as did the president. She died of a drug overdose. Was this accidental? Was it suicide. Or, as some suggest, was the Kennedy family responsible for her death?
Marilyn died on August 5th, 1962. She was found in her room by her housekeeper and it was assumed that a drug overdose was responsible for her death. The autopsy was hasty and somewhat incomplete; its findings didn’t gel with the facts. For example, the medical examiner found no puncture marks on her body – it was speculated that the Kennedys or their agents had killed her by lethal injection – and yet her doctor had given her injections just a few days previously.
Why would the Kennedys kill Marilyn?
The affairs she had with both John and robert Kennedy are not mere speculation. Because both men had such high profiles, they were constantly monitored by the FBI and other government agencies and the affairs were well documented in secret files which have now been released.
The first was with the elder brother, John. His brother-in-law was Hollywood actor Peter Lawford and this, along with the fact that both Marilyn and the president were high-profile people meant that their paths invariably crossed.
It’s said that in the early days, the relationship was encouraged by some advisors because the presence of the star and the fact that she was seen with John Kennedy was helpful to him during his presidential campaign.
She was a money earner when it came to attracting presidential election funds.
John Kennedy had a much more glamourous image than any president before him and having atop movie star endorse his campaign and be seen with him at dinners and parties, enhanced his glamorous appeal.
But what was merely one fling out of many for the president, was serious for Marilyn. She believed that he would leave his wife, Jackie, and that she would ultimately become Mrs Kennedy.
Once the president realised this, he refused to take her calls.
But his brother Robert was entranced by Marilyn.She realised that the president was now out of her reach and transferred her affections to his younger brother. This was a longer-lasting affair and just has she had with Jackie Kennedy, Marilyn would call Robert’s wife, Ethel, determined as she was to marry a Kennedy.
Of course, this affair couldn’t last either and Robert Kennedy also dropped her.
Marilyn was furious about the double rejection. She wasn’t a secure person. She saw her psychiatrist daily. Unknown to each other, two doctors were prescribing her medication and she had other suppliers too.
She was in an unstable state of mind.
She was determined to expose the Kennedy brothers as people who simply used others for their own advantage and then dropped and discarded them. She told many people, including Robert Kennedy, that she intended to hold a press conference to expose them and tell the world about the affairs.
Robert and Peter Lawson had visited her home just a few days before she died in an attempt – unsuccessfully – to persuade her to abandon her plans. Marilyn was adamant.
Was it really a mere coincidence that she died of a drug overdose just a few days later?
December 13, 2014
She’s surrounded by conspiracy theories. Her marriage to Arthur Miller. There’s a lot more to all this than meets the eye.
December 13, 2014
A very interesting theory for sure. I had not heard about the affair with Robert. I guess anything is possible. Great Story
December 13, 2014
It always surprises me to read someone like Marilyn Monroe could be insecure. Funny how much we hide inside ourselves. Enjoyed reading this article. I’d heard about JFK, but not Robert. It’s always interesting to hear about conspiracy theories (if that is what you would call it), and there have been so many surrounding the Kennedys. Pinning.
December 13, 2014
There are so many stories about the Kennedys – I think it would need an entire lifetime to read them all!