Stylish Invitations

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Stylish invitations for your celebration.

normal_Magnolia Invitation5When you’re inviting friends to join you for a special celebration, be sure to select the best and most stylish invitations.

Chances are that you’ll be busy planning your party, get-together or wedding – there’s so much to think about – so make life easier for yourself by ordering stunning invitations online.

In this wonderful selection you’ll see invitation cards and packs that your guests will want to keep as mementoes of your special occasion. You can see more gorgeous examples in the photographs below.

All these invitations will arrive to you already printed with your own details so once you’ve placed your order, your job is done and it’s one more item you can cross off your party preparation to-do list.

Many of the invitations you’ll see at the site are for weddings but you’ll find plenty of lovely ideas for other celebrations too – for birthday parties (kids and adults), naming ceremonies, sleepovers, engagements, bachelorette parties, baby showers, tea parties and of course, many general invitations that can be used for any occasion.

The designs normal_luggage-tags-wedding-stationeryare delightful and there’s something to suit every taste. There are stylish traditional designs, funky invitations, retro-styled cards and many with special themes such as the luggage tag wedding invitations that you see in the photograph on the right.

If you know someone who is planning a special celebration, these invitations are a wonderful way for you to contribute to their occasion.

These are craftsman-made and form a beautiful keepsake for every guest. Some come in sets that include envelopes, RSVP cards, menu cards and more. You have enough to think about when you’re planning a party so just click on the link below, browse the selection and see how easy it is to order stylish, personalised invitations.

See the full range of invitations here








Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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