Planning For Getting Your Needs Met In 2017

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How To Create New Years Resolutions. Getting Your Needs Met  In 2017.

I love spontaneity and having fun don’t you? However, planning is an essential part of achieving success
in business and in our personal life. Learning how to create and set goals, prioritizing,and planning for success is important.

If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else. You might arrive at
a place you had not intended to get to. Another thought is if you don’t manage your actions,
someone else will take over that job for you! Be hopeful that you can accomplish what you would like to do
if you have a realistic plan, and work on the action steps to meet your goals!

I encourage you to develop an appreciation of how to outline a plan for the direction of your life, and what you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. Some people think of a what is termed a “Bucket List”, that is a list of things you would like to do or accomplish in your life, that you have not done as of yet.

Learn to put thoughts into action! Your thoughts often can magnetize what is attracted to you in
your life. Put your positive thoughts into action. Learn how to put thoughts into action. It’s okay to take baby steps, before making larger decisions. Become more clear of the outcome you want, and what you are aiming for.

PLAN – Dream a little dream, then plan and act upon your dream.

Remember, Success needs to include the importance of the “Journey”, not only getting to your desired
destination! Keep in mind of the outcome you want, and what you are hoping or aiming for!
Learn to appreciate the importance of objectives and goals, and setting your priorities for the “New Year”.
Welcome 2017, and be blessed with a new game plan for your life, and don’t forget to include your “Loved ones”

In your personal and professional life. Get your priorities in order! If you are spiritually oriented, rely on your faith to help you get to where you want to go, then pray and move your feet. Becoem more pragmatic by planning and setting realistic priorities. Fear can be a killer, or a motivating factor to help inspire you to take clear steps in achieving your desired outcome.

Design a detailed formulation of a program of action. Ask yourself if you have a plan? Do you have a desired foal or a desired action? It would behoove you to learn how to plan, or you will only have a dream that may or may not come true. Reaching your goals does not often happen miraculously, without forming a plan of action…

TARGET DATE – Select a target date and plan everyday, to reach your goal by the intended target date.
Don’t forget to be realistic about your intended date to accomplish what you need to do, to meet your goal.


Ask yourself what are your goals in life?

Step #1
Be realistic about planning goals to reach in 6 months, one year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years.
Start planning one day at a time. Your goals and priorities can change from time to time, so remember
To update your needs, wants, and goals. This often takes place when a “Business Plan” is being
developed. Think of your life, similar to creating a “Business Plan” – A business plan for your life
that can be altered or adjusted from time to time.

Step #2
Usually, your values and needs create your priorities, that dictate the actions you will take.
Your objectives help you meet your goals.
Procrastination is best of friends with “Guilt and Overwhelm”, preventing you from achieving your goals..Sometimes a person can be carrying around unresolved GRIEF and SORROW, which needs attention, in order to create a plan and achieve your goals.
– Ask Yourself – What you need to do, in order to get clear of how to meet your goals?
– Ask Yourself – How much time you think you will need to realistically complete a project
to meet your goals.
Assess what you need from others and from your environment. Are there tools and equipment you need, or consulting with others to provide support, or information? From family, friends, professionals?

Learn to appreciate a daily “TO DO LIST”
Develop an appreciation for “Time Management”
Face every day with what you want to accomplish for that day, week, month, year.
This is what I call a form of consistent “Life Planning”
Each day develop a list of tasks to accomplish and prioritize their importance. Urgent, important, necessary, can wait. Manage whatever pressure you experience to accomplish more than what is realistic for one day at a time each day.
Manage each day by starting with completing the “A Tasks” which are urgent, then important, can wait, etc.
Your sense of achievement and self confidence will increase by seeing what you have accomplished
each and every day.

Stacey J Nelson – Licensed Psychotherapist /Motivational Trainer/Coach and Consultant – is an Integrative Psychotherapist” helping people develop  “Mindfulness” and “Peace of Mind”.She has been Adjunct Faculty at more than 20 universities and Community college. Dr Nelson facilitates Seminars and is in private practice in Boca Raton/Delray Beach.  Watch for new seminars, scheduled in the Fall 2016 in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, and by video Skype Consulting. Individual appointments for  Psychotherapy, Coaching, and Consulting.Complete the contact form on her website to inquire about her programs and services. (561) 859-7779.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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