Alice in Wonderland Costume for Tweens

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Alice in Wonderland is a Perfect Costume for Girls.

As of my daughter’s last birthday, I am officially the mom of a tween and I can already tell you this is an awkward age. She definitely isn’t a “little” girl, but she isn’t a teen yet either. With this in mind, we have been talking about Halloween costumes and I already know the princess costumes of yesterday are not what she has in mind this year.

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Thankfully, I have found several Halloween costumes that are geared towards tweens. These costumes aren’t little kiddish, but they aren’t sexy or inappropriate for her age either. After browsing for costumes she would appreciate and have fun wearing and I would approve of her wearing, I ran across my favorite Disney character, Alice in Wonderland.

Alice in Wonderland Tween Costume for Girls

This Alice in Wonderland costume probably isn’t what you are use to seeing. It’s sassy, but definitely age-appropriate and seems to be inspired more from the Alice in Wonderland movie created by Tim Burton. The skirt isn’t too short and the neckline is rounded. My daughter had asked about wearing fishnet stockings this year and I firmly vetoed that idea, but I wouldn’t have a problem letting her wear these funky striped leggings. Both the leggings and the arm bracelets are included with the dress. To round out the outfit, I would let her wear a pair of combat boots or black dress shoes and since I am an expert when it comes to anything Alice-related, I think I will find a pocketwatch or a stuffed white bunny for her to carry. She has naturally dark blonde hair, so a simple black ribbon will do the trick, but for those that have brunette or red-haired daughters, an Alice in Wonderland wig would help complete the look flawlessly. If your curious tween wants to dress like Alice this year, check out the Alice in Wonderland tween costume.

Great Accessories for an Alice in Wonderland Tween Costume

Everyone knows the best Halloween costumes pay attention to the details. If you need Alice in Wonderland costume accessories that pay homage to the details of the classic Disney movie, check out my Alice costume accessories below.

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An Alice in Wonderland-Inspired Plush

If you want a little white rabbit to complete your Alice in Wonderland look just about any white rabbit will do, but why settle for any old white rabbit. With this Alice in Wonderland-inspired rabbit, no one will be confused about who you are. The white rabbit is decked out to stand out in a crowd which means your Alice in Wonderland costume will be hard to miss in a crowd.


Whether you are going for a sweet Alice in Wonderland look or an evil-inspired Alice, you can find tons of make-up and hair tutorials on YouTube. Here, I chose some of my favorites to inspire you.


Tawnya Housel is a thirty-something mom of a tiny, tween gymnast! She loves to write, share ideas with others, and looks forward to creating great content that everyone wants to read. Her article collection includes movie reviews, especially Disney movies, gymnastics-related content, and lots of gift ideas for tween girls.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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