Yorkshire Cooking: Sly Cakes
Total time
Author: Colin Neville
Recipe type: Baking
Serves: 9- 10 slices
- FOR PASTRY : 8oz plain flour
- 2oz margarine
- 2oz cooking lard (vegetable lard is fine)
- one egg, beaten
- FOR THE FILLING: 2oz currants
- 2oz raisins
- 6oz dates or dried figs
- grated rind of one lemon, (I add the juice of half a lemon too, to give it a little more zest. But this is optional)
- 6 tablespoons water
- 2oz dark brown sugar
- 2oz walnuts
- Put the dates (or figs), plus currants, raisins, walnuts, brown sugar, lemon rind into a food mixer and chop them roughly together.
- Place into a pan and add the six table spoons of water. Heat and stir the mixture gently until the water is absorbed
- Leave the fruit mixture to cool
- Prepare the pastry by rubbing in method, then add the beaten egg to bind it. Chill in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes
- Divide the pastry into two and roll out the first half into a rectangle shape 9" long by 4" wide.
- Spread the filling evenly and thickly onto the pastry. It will be about 2-3" inches thick. Leave space around the edges and damp these with water
- Roll out the remaining pastry and place over the top to cover the filling. Seal the edges. It will resemble a brick!
- glaze the pastry with beaten egg, milk or yoghurt and bake in a medium oven (375F/Mark 5) until it is golden in colour.
- Leave to cool then cut into slices when cold.
Recipe by JAQUO Lifestyle Magazine at https://jaquo.com/yorkshire-sly-cakes/