Fresh Fruit Salad

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Calling All Fresh Fruit Lovers!

A fresh fruit salad is delightful and refreshing on a warm summer day!

This is a super easy salad to make. I had a variety of watermelon, honeydew, strawberries and blueberries in my refrigerator and thought I’d put them all together to make a nice salad with. All I did was cut up the fruit except the blueberries of course. I tossed them on top and stirred it all together.

You can use any fresh fruit you want in a salad like this. This salad goes great with any lunch you make; even for just a fruity snack. I love most fresh fruits and they are so healthy for you on top of it! So gather all your fruits and make yourself a fruity salad!

Fresh Fruit Salad


  • Watermelon
  • Honeydew
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Pineapple
  • Any Fresh Fruits!
  1. In a medium to large bowl cut all the fruit into chunks.
  2. If you put blueberries in your salad just toss then on top.
  3. Gently mix all together.
  4. Enjoy!

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Fresh fruit salad 2s


Cheryl is a true blue Wisconsinite with excellent writer skills, organization and experience. She writes about foods, crafts, product reviews plus anything else that catches her interest. She’s known as CherylFay and Jerzimom out on the web where she writes. You can sample her articles here and find her at Cheryl Fay’s Corner and at The Writer’s Door.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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