Be Your Own Artisan
Today’s young families have become artisans in their own style. After all the years of quick meals, prepackaged, canned or frozen, so many more are going natural.
That means preparing their own baby food–not only for freshness, but also so they know what ingredients are included. No questionable food colorings or additives.
It also means they are experimenting with their own food and drink creations. They don’t simply pour a drink. Often they will first make their own mixes and drink additions like bitters. Some will make their own beer or wine. You can see more details and ideas that include alcoholic beverages here.
It is a pleasure to see a growing trend back to basics food groups. The Paleo lifestyle, the vegetarian preference, clean eating….Whichever direction we choose, it is more natural and healthier.
With that trend comes a wonderful assortment of books and kits to instruct. Easier bread making, make your own cheeses–some in an hour, how to make various specialties, from pizza to cheesecake.
It isn’t just grab a cookbook. It is to explore the science and the art of creating foods, which includes eating healthier. The knowledge that comes with it adds so much to the enjoyment of a meal.
So often we read of the impact many foods can have on our bodies, for good or for bad. I’ve written about it myself in ALZ book and with my spinach collection cookbook. Household chefs today appreciate the creating as much as the creation.
Encourage the trend
Knowing what we do today about keeping fit and eating right, why not encourage friends and families in that direction? The books included here will inspire new ideas and perfect others. Any one will be a book to treasure for years to come.

Among the more popular artisan delights is the art of cheese making. While in past days it took the right setting and climate, today it is possible to make your own.
You can start with a beginning book that will still teach you the basics, or go for another that will include more varieties and in some instances will take more time.
The books will provide basic knowledge of what you will need for any cheese, then provide a selection of recipes to experiment with to find your u inquest favorite.
What a fun family project that will let you know what ingredients are going into your food. At the same time if will give you an appreciation for this artisan art.
You will find so many options for artisan bread making.think of the enjoyment that goes along with the aroma of fresh bread. The proper mix of ingredients to make a unique loaf, the kneading, the shaping, the entire process is a project today’s entire family can enjoy.
One of the most popular recent books has been the Five Minutes a day book. The one featured here has been updated to include gluten free varieties, lots more beautiful photos, and more recipes.
Our appreciation grows when we personally experience the art of bread making. Knowing what ingredients are used is as important to us today As well. Hand crafting a loaf of bread to suit individual taste is an added treat.
Homemade pantry
While this selection may not be called artisanal, it deserves a position there. We ware so conscious–and rightly so–of knowing what goes into the foods we eat. With so much processed over the years we grew complacent over the additives and preservatives.
If you open your refrigerator right now, how many jars and bottles do you see that contain the everyday condiments we use? Salad dressings, pickles, mayonnaise, pesto, ketchup, just to name a few.
In this handy book you will find recipes you can make in your own home. Everything from basic condiments and spices to crackers and cheese.
While the book was born to save money, it can fill your pantry with artisan pasta, condiments and more. The money you can save will be a bonus.
If you are interested in additional artisan ideas you can find a wonderful variety here.
Cheesecakes, chocolate, pizza…the art and craft of food and drink has become a pleasure to go along with the eating experience. A great thing to encourage.