Mom’s Outside Pumpkin Decor

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Decorating with pumpkins is my favorite when autumn arrives – from inside to outside.

I love all the big toothy grins they greet you with. I love the lighted ones the best. There so bright and cheerful. I have a bunch of lighted pumpkins inside as well a special big one outside. It’s fun to sit in the dark with all of them smiling at you; it even makes it a little bit spooky.

Cheryl - Pumpkin

Traditional Memories

My Mom had this big outside pumpkin she always put out by her door. It was her favorite. She would place it outside on the porch. When plugged it lit the whole porch up. I always thought it was pretty neat. Now I have that very pumpkin and keep the tradition going. I put out in the corner of my steps before coming into the house. When plugged in it shines very brightly greeting you with a great big smile! If you’re driving down the street you can see it shining from a few houses away. It’s pretty neat! As much fun as it is to decorate with my Mom’s pumpkin traditional memories; it’s fun to drive around town and see how everyone else decorates their yards and porches. It’s pretty impressive to see.

Outside Pumpkin1

Trick or Treat!

Not only is this big pumpkin great for outside décor but it’s neat for when the trick-or-treaters when they come to your door. It greets them with a huge smile!

Lighted Outside Pumpkin

For more outside pumpkin decorations, here are a some that would be fun to decorate with. I think all three are pretty neat!

Glass Lighted Jack O’lantern PumpkinPumpkin Porch Light CoversPumpkin String Decorated Lights


Outside Pumpkin2ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Cheryl is a true blue Wisconsinite with excellent writer skills, organization and experience. She writes about foods, crafts, product reviews plus anything else that catches her interest. She’s known as CherylFay and Jerzimom out on the web where she writes often. You can sample her articles here and find her at Cheryl Fay’s Corner and at The Writer’s Door.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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