Soothe Your Soul with Santana

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Carlos Santana Fan for Life.

My dad was a teenager in the 70s, a grown-up in the 80s, and a lifelong fan of rock ‘n roll music. As a result, I grew up listening to the greatest music ever created. For example, my childhood was filled with AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Rush, and Carlos Santana, of course.

Why I Love Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana and the band Santana have been on my top ten favorite bands list for as long as I can remember. Even Santana’s Spanish albums, which I can’t comprehend, deliver a feeling of tranquility that I can’t often find any other way. For me, I think Santana delivers this feeling to me because of his uncanny ability to connect to his audience through mean guitar rifts and his soulful rich voice.

Soothe your soul sm


When Supernatural was introduced to the pubic in June 1999, I was working at a music store and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Santana’s newest album. Before this release, I didn’t often meet many Santana fans, especially those in my generation. However, this soulful album included several mainstream artists like Rob Thomas, from Matchbox 20, Dave Matthews, Everlast, Eric Clapton, Cee-lo, Lauryn Hill, and many others. With this huge list of music industry stars, Supernatural sold like hotcakes, and converted many of my friends into Santana fans as well.

If you need an album that will soothe your soul, or inspire you to dance in your kitchen, pop this album into your CD player for instant tranquility. In fact, any Santana album will have the ability to put you in a better mood.


Supernatural’s Awards

  • Supernatural is the 17th album released by Santana
  • Album went 15 times platnium
  • Won an Album of the Year Grammy, and 14 other Grammy’s
  • Won 3 Latin Grammy’s
  • Sold more than 30 million copies
  • Best selling album by a Hispanic artist

Tawnya Housel is a thirty-something mom of a tiny, tween gymnast! She loves to write, share ideas with others, and looks forward to creating great content that everyone wants to read. Her article collection includes movie reviews, especially Disney movies, gymnastics-related content, and lots of gift ideas for tween girls.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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