Lumi Inkodye: Print photographs onto t-shirts using solar power.
Great for kids, great for adults and a truly fabulous way to express your creativity and make gorgeous garments, décor items and gifts – that’s what Lumi Inkodye offer you with their kits and products.
This is a seemingly miraculous way to add your photographs and designs to any fabric item using the sun to develop the images.
You can take any photograph from any digital device – your phone, iPad or even the ‘old-fashioned’ digital camera and add it stylishly and creatively to clothing, pillows, bags or any fabric item. And the only power source you’ll use is the sunshine.
As soon as you watch the video below, your creative juices will start to flow. You need no expensive equipment, no hazardous chemicals and the products you need are manufactured right here in the USA. You can create a stylish photographic fabric item in about half an hour.
See the video to learn more.
See how easy this is? Check out the kit at Amazon.
When you make your creation, it takes only about ten minutes in the sun to develop. If it’s a cloudy day then you may have to leave it for ten minutes longer – you can watch it as it develops.
It’s best to use natural fabrics – cotton, silk, linen and so on, but if your fabric is 90% natural it will still work well. As you saw in the video, all you have to do once your print is made is run it through the washing machine.
These are not inks, they are pigments which will retain their colour.
This is a wonderful way to create family heirlooms. It’s also a fun craft for all ages. In addition, you can use these special dyes to create beautiful goods by using items other than the photographic negatives as a basis – try leaves, or other nature items. It’s a great way for kids and teenagers to make the most of their creativity.
See the founder of the company explaining more.
October 20, 2016
I’ve never heard of this intriguing idea. We might just try it with our grandchildren.
October 21, 2016
Good idea, Bill. It’s a creative thing for them to do, plus it’s planet friendly – all good lessons for kids