Stylish Shawls

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Stylish shawls from around the world: Essential wardrobe items.

2015-09-13_1657I honestly don’t know how I would manage without my selection of shawls, scarves and sarongs. They are so useful and versatile and can instantly transform outfits, from casual wear to formal dress.

They come in such a huge variety of colour, styles and weights too. Heavier scarves can warm you on cooler days or  evenings yet lightweight versions are ideal for keeping your shoulders and arms safe from the sun in summertime.

A stunning shawl or scarf can transform your jeans and a t-shirt into a stylish outfit.

Yet should you be fortunate enough to be enjoying an expensive evening at a fine restaurant or the opera, they can add sophistication as well as practicality.

Depending on the size and shape, they can easily be draped or knotted into sarong skirts, beach cover-ups, even sun dresses. Shawls featuring several colours, like the one you see here, are infinitely versatile.

As you can see it looks terrific with blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt but it doesn’t take much imagination to envisage it worn with an elegant, long evening dress and spectacular jewellery.

They are absolutely essential for travel too. If you’re going away for a couple of weeks, be sure to pack three or four large scarves or shawls. They will make several new outfits and will be so practical on the beach, when you’re sightseeing or during the evenings.

2015-09-13_1701I find that I use them for other purposes too. They can be folded into a useful carry-all (think Dick Whittington), as an emergency window covering and they even look fantastic as décor in your home draped over a chair or hanging from decorative hooks.

I very much like the look you see in the photograph on the right. I’m imagining that the girl in the picture is sightseeing and her colourful scarf can protect her shoulders from harsh sun, keep her warm if there’s a cool breeze and if she arranges the shawl over her shoulders, her outfit would have a completely different look.

Change the boots for strappy sandals, add different jewellery and she’d have an outfit that’s great for a party or an evening out on the town.

Shawls and scarves come in so many different stylish designs and the ones that you can see at the link below are handmade by artisans from all over the world.

See over one thousand handmade shawls and scarves here.

Scroll down to see a further selection.






Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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