The best solar charger for your phone & devices

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Charging your phone using solar power

And it’s not just your phone – when there’s no electricity, you discover just how much you rely on other devices such as your iPad, Kindle or other devices.

Perfect for extreme weather

Today, bad weather can knock out power for many of us and losing the use of your communication methods isn’t only inconvenient, it’s dangerous.

Living in Florida, I know only too well what it’s like surviving with no electrical power.

When Hurricane Wilma hit back in 2005, we were without power (and water) for over a week. This solar charger wasn’t available in those days but as soon as chargers such as these were available, we experimented until we found the best – this one.

Multiple devices, used daily

It was only when we had to itemize our electrical goods for our home insurance that we realized just how many devices we have. The beauty of this charger is that we can use it for all of them. We’ve also found it useful on road trips and although we’re not a hiking, camping or fishing couple, our friends who enjoy these activities recommended this charger to us. We’re so pleased that they did.

In an emergency

In Florida, just a rainstorm can cause a power outage. But of course we are prone to hurricanes and tropical storms so we have used this charger a lot. With our phones and tablets, despite having no electricity, we can:

  • Be in touch with family & friends (and the emergency services if necessary)
  • Text – which is a cheaper way to contact people and uses less power
  • Check the weather forecasts and bulletins
  • Check local reports about outages and local damage
  • Find out which roads are accessible and which are blocked
  • Use social media to let family & friends know the situation
  • Read books in the dark (tablets and readers are backlit – no candles or flashlights required)
  • Watch movies – when you’re stranded at home with no power it’s good to have a diversion

In addition, all our devices are fully loaded up with apps – from first aid information to spirit levels.

For non emergency use

We use our charger in the home often – not just when there’s no electricity. Like many homes we are short of electrical outlets and when you have an over-abundance of phones, tablets, laptops and other devices it’s wonderful to have this extra facility.

 For more extreme weather and emergency tips

I’ve written at length about being prepared for extreme conditions. Over twenty years in Florida has made me something of an expert. There is a lot of information in publications and on the internet but I find that these tend to cover just the basics.

You can read more extreme weather tips here.


Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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