Fix Anything with Bondic Liquid Plastic

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The throwaway society is really becoming a thing of the past. Today we see that it’s good common sense, a great money saver and good for the planet if we repair broken goods. But it’s not always that easy. That’s why we’re happy to recommend the Bondic system which can see to so many small repair jobs around the home, at work or in the car.

You can see exactly how it works in the videos below but you’ll find it invaluable for repairing items, for crafts projects, even household jobs such as restoring furniture or filling chips in china. And it’s amazingly strong. Here the first video that shows how it works.

I’ve only been using it for a few days but already I’ve used it to repair a frayed iPhone charger wire, to fix my glasses (three pairs actually), to repair a lovely but cracked favourite bowl, to mend a broken necklace and to make a broken egg whisk into a usable item again. Use it to fix metal, wood, glass, plastic, ceramic — and more.

Just imagine how useful this is going to be in the future. I can think of several jobs that I need to do in the car using Bondic and if I had a boat or RV I’m pretty sure that it would be an essential part of their equipment. Do you want to see how strong this is? See this video.

The glue itself is hardened by the use of the built in UV light. Once it has hardened, it can be drilled, sanded or even painted. You can even use it underwater. See this video for more details.


Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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