Eat Cabbage, Lose Weight

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Lose weight by eating cabbage.

Do you remember that many years ago there was a diet called The Cabbage Soup Diet? If I remember rightly, it originated in Miami and was very popular.

And recent studies, also originating in South Florida, have shown that yes, cabbage can without doubt help you considerably in your quest to lose weight and improve your health.

According to the study, cabbage contains a substance called tartaric acid. This, it is said, inhibits the body from converting sugars and carbohydrates into fat. That sounds like good news. The vegetable also has loads of health benefits and is packed full of nutrients. And it even has the advantage of being inexpensive and readily available. And it has almost no calories and the fibre has the added advantage of making you feel full.

So why don’t we eat more cabbage?

Some of us (me anyway) were put off cabbage when we were children thanks to post-war cooking (cabbage boiled for twenty minutes) or even school dinners (ditto). But it’s time to rediscover this almost miraculous vegetable. Cabbage served raw, or very lightly cooked, is simply delicious and can work wonders for you health, weight and well being.

Use it in salad, soups, stir fry, sandwiches – but be sure to cook it quickly, if at all. All vegetables will lose their nutrients if they are overcooked. It should still retain its crunch. You can also add cabbage to vegetable juices – try it in juiced carrots with a little orange added – or a vegetable-based smoothie.

Cabbage recipes

What we need,of course, are some truly delicious, tried and tested recipes using cabbage. Well, JAQUO can help. We are compiling cabbage recipes and more will be added regularly. Here is a sample of some delicious ways to enjoy this under-valued vegetable:

Cabbage 1

Asian Cabbage Salad

An Asian Twist to Classic Slaw We first tasted this Asian Cabbage Salad when we lived in Hawaii, many decades ago. We would have it often, served with a stir fried dish called Beef Tomato. It’s been a favorite of mine ever since. As you can see, it is so easy to put together, yet looks very pretty for company. You can use more or less mayo if you like. Using veganaise makes it a vegan dish as well. Normally I will serve it as a…


Cabbage 2

Fried Cabbage with Bacon

A Tasty Cabbage Dish for a Delicious Dinner This time of year cabbage is usually available for excellent prices, just in time for corned beef and cabbage and St. Patrick’s Day. If you are like me, I usually end up with an extra head or two of cabbage after the dinner and the day are over. This is a perfect and easy recipe for that time–or any time. Fortunately cabbage is a filling addition to your diet all year long. The…


Cabbage 3

Mexican Cabbage Salad

Mexican Cabbage Salad Mexican Cabbage Salad is another recipe I’ve tried to replicate from a favorite local restaurant in San Diego. Cinco de Mayo or anytime, it’s a family favorite. It brings back memories of leisurely dinners complete with margaritas, chips and salsa, and friends. We often enjoyed sharing one of these salads with our dinner order. Usually we make coleslaw with mayo, but this is so crisp and refreshing with oil and…



Cabbage 4

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls: Vegetarian recipe

Stuffed cabbage rolls – delicious vegetarian or vegan entrée It’s time to rethink cabbage rolls! This is a wonderfully adaptable recipes that makes a splendid meat-free meal or can be served as a side, or even appetiser. Unlike traditional cabbage rolls, these are light and fresh, plus they are quick to cook. Preparation is easy too. You can vary the ingredients to suit your own tastes – for example,I often add…



Cabbage 5

How to Make Braised Red Cabbage

How to Make Braised Red Cabbage Braised Red Cabbage – A Sure Fire Hit On Your Table The Fall season is nearing rapidly and with it, the urge for more hearty foods. This recipe for Braised Red Cabbage is one given to me by my mother, and it fits that urge perfectly. It’s a great side dish and can be made in either of two versions; regular or vegan. I like it paired with pork, smoked sausage or bratwurst. Cabbage, known as a…


Do you have a great cabbage recipe? Email your recipe and see it featured here!

See more healthy recipes in the related links below.



Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.





Author: Jackie Jackson

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