Cheek for Cheek and So On

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Cheek for Cheek and So On

The most fun endeavors, many times, come to be as the result of a lark. My first book, under one of my pseudonyms, was written because I was feeling rather snarky and just knew I could.
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Much the same with Novel in a Day (NIAD). NIAD was born “tongue in cheek.” I’m not sure just how much cheek, but the founder of that auspicious diversion, Pigfender (AKA: Rog), wasn’t to be let off the hook after stating, “If you were any good … you’d get it done in a day.”

Imagine his surprise when his gauntlet, however humorously intended, was met with acceptance and a counter challenge, “Let’s do it!” That on the morning after being dropped, no less.

Each meeting of authors on d-day NIAD is presented with a packet of top secret information for their chapter’s requirements. I wouldn’t be surprised if on subsequent missions the packet disappeared in a puff of smoke once read.

Writers hailing from around the world have participated over the last four years’ meet-ups. There are four novels now in the dossier files that have resulted from this annual quest. Many regulars and others pop in and declare their allegiance to the cause. NIAD usually kicks off in the month before NaNoWriMo.

Skip on over to read more about, What Writers Get Up To When There’s Something To Get Up To.



Tanya is a displaced Californian, living in Texas. She has a day job and she dabbles with writing. Not a stranger to getting muddy, Tanya can be found seated while throwing clay onto a spinning disk for lack of anything else to do. Along with other Squids, she migrated to HubPages and continues to post articles there under the pseudonym, Arachnea. Tanya’s virtual life is more exciting than day-to-day-life. There are a few bright spots, however. The local symphony and arts community are two such bright spots and the occasional meet-up with friends makes for a third. Originally from California, she takes life as it comes in her temporary sojourn.

online 3d modeling

Author: Jackie Jackson

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