Have You Met The Gray Man
Court Gentry, The Gray Man, has returned in another exciting, fast moving thriller from Mark Greaney. Book Six in the series is every bit as exciting as the first.
What a delight it is to delve into another series book written by a favorite author. You know the feeling if you like to follow a character. Each book you start, you know you will enjoy the characters, the author’s writing, and the excitement within. This one was no exception. It was fantastic being back with Mark Greaney’s popular character.
The Story
In a complex plot involving dozens of agents from several nations, Court is on his own. Find and rescue Fan Jiang, a tech expert with a secret computer warfare unit. Having escaped China, he is being hunted. Not just by Court but by several nearby nations.
The Chinese, the Russians, The Taiwanese, the United States…are all after Fan Jiang. Some want him dead, others alive. Each has their own motive and will stop at nothing to get hold of the little man.
Strange Alliances
For Court, this time he working for two masters, and he must question the motives of both. Since in the past the CIA has wanted him dead, working for them now is an uneasy alliance.
With the Chinese and the Russians interference, Gentry will find it difficult to succeed. Add in a woman, one who may equal Gentry himself with her skills.
With each novel, we get to know Court better. Not only his ever efficient work ethic, but also the good man inside him. His sense of justice–of what is right–compels him to cross lines others have set. While it complicates his assignments, it is always a pleasure to see him work through them. We see still another side of Gray in this particular story.
Gunmetal Gray is bound to be a bestselling political thriller. Fans will be pleased!
From Audible
This is a series I love to listen to in audio, produced by Audible Studios. Jay Snyder narrates the entire series. He’s perfect for the task. Mr. Snyder is excellent with pacing, and voice variation, and suits Court Gentry very well. I highly recommend you listen if you get the chance. Here’s a sample so you can hear for yourself.
Mark Greaney is a fine author: Thorough, yet not overwhelming description, excellent, natural flowing dialogue, lots of surprises (explosive and otherwise), likable characters, unless he intends them to be unlikable. He packs so much action into each book, then ties it together smoothly. Besides the Gray Man series, Mr. Greaney is well known as the co writer of several Tom Clancy books, including the latest, True Faith and Allegiance. He is a terrific writer!
Gunmetal Gray will leave you satisfied yet wanting more. It has a solid ending—it’s not a cliffhanger. Yet one thing is certain, there will be more to come from this particular story. Court wasn’t pleased with the finish, so we can be sure he will get back to it. It will definitely be in my pre-orders once it is ready for release.
If you’ve never read the series, you may want to start with The Gray Man, where we first get to know Court Gentry. It isn’t necessary. Each book can easily stand alone. Still it is always interesting to see how a series begins.
Wherever you start, you are sure to enjoy the series!