Dressing Your Dog for Halloween

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2015-08-18_1558Halloween dog costumes that benefit Breast Cancer Research.

Does your dog enjoy being dressed up? If so, there are some wonderful articles for you to choose from to make sure that he or she enters into the ‘spirit’ of things for your Halloween parties or festivities.

You can choose from the more subtle gesture – such as the cute Halloween-themed bandana you see here – to full and fancy costumes.

But the great thing about the items shown on this page is that your purchase helps fund research into breast cancer. With Halloween being in October, which is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, these purchases seem like a great idea.

You can see all the Halloween products they have on offer here.

I prefer the subtle look like the bandanna above but if you want to go the whole hog (or the whole dog — or even the whole hot dog), check out the costume below.


The site has much more than just dog outfits, there are toys for your pets too. Plus there’s a full range of other fun Halloween ideas.

2015-08-18_1600Choose your dog’s costume carefully

Experts say that you should only dress your dog if you know that he or she is comfortable with it. Each dog’s personality is different, just the same as we humans.

You should avoid costumes that cover the entire body. This is because dogs use their body language to communicate. A dog may feel uncomfortable, for example, if he or she is unable to wag their tail. And of course, you’ll want to make sure that your dog feels comfortable without restricting his movements.

T-shirts, like the one you see on the right, can be ideal because they are supple and allow your dog to move freely while at the same time keeping out the chill.

If you know that your dog doesn’t like to be dressed up, then he or she can still join in the Halloween fun – for example, with spookily themed collars like the ones below.


Most dogs will feel comfortable in a warming sweater like the one below.


Click here to shop, in the knowledge that your purchase will be helping Breast Cancer Awareness.


Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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