India, by Debra Schoenberger

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Spotlight on “India”

A Nation Within The Pages of a Book

Join us in the virtual book tour for “India,” the newest photography book from Debra Schoenberger.  Her tour from March 6th through the 24th, hosted by iRead Book Tours.  You can find interviews, reviews, and articles by the author at the numerous stops.  The full schedule is at the bottom of the page here.

Step into another world

It was a treat to have the opportunity to review  Ms. Schoenberger’s newest photographic journal. The pictures will stay with you, much as the sweetness of the cover shot here.

India is a country of mixed messages—as are most nations, I suppose.  The worn or tarnished buildings, the rugged streets, often filled with people and means of transportation, the wires hanging precariously from building to building,  give us a view.  As a highly technological nation, those wires are put to the test.  The contrast is remarkable, well caught by Ms. Schoenberger.

Her photos are striking, some in their simplicity, some in the colorful settings, but my favorites are those of the people and the animals who share the same streets.  Ms. Schoenberger has caught their faces and their activities so well, you get the sense you are there in each frame.

I feel like I have visited a part of the country after viewing her photography.  Even the cover photo—the beautiful young woman with a smile lighting her face gives you an idea of the spirit included.  In a contemporary dress, surrounded by camels, it is a touching insight to the country.

Part of a quote from Shashi Tharoor is “…A highly developed one (nation)  in an advanced state of  decay…”   Many of the photos show how it does seem appropriate.

Beautiful people, beautiful country with much variety to see.  What a pleasure to review.

The Tour

Book Description:

I have always been fascinated by the sheer beauty and diversity in Indian culture. “Sensory overload in a glance” is an apt description of a country that is always in movement. To be able to stand still in the middle of all that movement allows me to really “see” her people and absorb the flow of life from birth to death.

From learning how to make yellow ink from cow urine to watching funeral pyres burn in Varanasi, I realized that I would have to spend a lifetime here to grasp the immense value of her art, stunning architecture, fascinating food and love of all that is beautiful.

Buy the book:

Amazon    Blurb     iTunes    Website

Author’s Bio:

Debra Schoenberger aka #girlwithcamera

“My dad always carried a camera under the seat of his car and was constantly taking pictures. I think that his example, together with pouring over National Geographic magazines as a child fuelled my curiosity for the world around me.

I am a documentary photographer and street photography is my passion. Some of my images have been chosen by National Geographic as editor’s favourites and are on display in the National Geographic museum in Washington, DC. I also have an off-kilter sense of humour so I’m always looking for the unusual.

​Connect with the author:

Website ~  Facebook ~ Instagram ~  Pinterest

Book Trailer:


March 6 – Library of Clean Reads – review / author interview / giveaway

March 6 – Working Mommy Journal – review / giveaway

March 6 – Book and Ink – review / giveaway

March 6 – Bookworm for Kids – review / giveaway

March 7 – Books, Dreams, Life – books spotlight / guest post

March 7 – Cheryl’s Book Nook – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway

March 7 – Puddletown Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway

March 8 – Everyday Gyaan – book spotlight / giveaway

March 8 – 30-Something Travel – book spotlight

March 8 – Fantastic Feathers – review

March 9 – Jaquo Lifestyle Magazine – review

March 9 – Bound 4 Escape – review / giveaway

March 10 – A Bookworm’s Musing – review

March 10 – Spines in a Line – review / giveaway

March 13 – Katie’s Clean Book Collection – book spotlight / giveaway

March 13 – 3 Partners in Shopping Nana, Mommy + Sissy Too! – spotlight / giveaway

March 14 – Katherine Scott Jones – review

March 14 – All things bookie – review

March 15 – Lukten av Trykksverte – review / giveaway

March 15 – Within The Pages Of A Book – review / guest post

March 16 – Anglers Rest – author interview

March 16 – T’s stuff – review / author interview / giveaway

March 16 – StoreyBook Reviews – review

March 17 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway

March 17 – Zerina Blossom’s Books – review

March 20 – Books Direct – review / guest post

March 20 – Blooming with Books – review / giveaway

March 21 – Svetlana’s Reads and Views – review

march 21 – 100 pages a day – review / guest post / giveaway

March 22 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – review / guest post / giveaway

March 22 – Teresa Edmond-Sargeant – book spotlight / author interview

March 23 – Anglers Rest – review

March 23 – Olio By Marilyn – review / author interview

March 24 – Elsie’s Audiobook Digest – review

March 24 – Outset – review


Merry Citarella, often writing as Merrci, writes on a wide range of topics. Recently relocated to the Oregon Coast in the northwest United States, she frequently writes travel features on the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She specializes in health and aging, Alzheimer’s Disease, food, lifestyle, and book reviews. For more information you can see her on The Writers’Door. You can read more articles here or at her websites Alzheimers HQ and Simple Living Ideas

Author: Merry Citarella

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