Planning your garden

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Planning your garden with Grammie Olivia

Well Christmas has just passed and now we look forward to the New Year. No one looks forward more than Gardeners… Especially if you live in the North, where everything dies back and nothing is growing except the plants you brought in before the first frosty nights of October and November arrived.

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What a great time for gardeners, either experienced or not, to sit back and pour over the many gardening catalogues that are being sent out. When the days are wickedly cold, you can pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, tea or chocolate and look at lovely pictures of what is to come.

It’s also a great time to plan your next year’s garden! Or if you haven’t gardened before, it’s a great time to check out some gardening sites, to help you become a master gardener in no time at all.

At, you will learn a lot of interesting things to help you on your way to being that great gardener. Everything from gardening in small spaces to gardening in the yard will be covered and there is always something new being introduced.

New gardening tools, tips for getting the right bugs and how to rid yourself of the wrong bugs, gardening economically, as well as keeping the environment in focus, will be topics you can learn about.

Grammie Olivia is focusing on bringing a world of experience to you through the site with guest gardeners showing up, to help along, as well.

Have you got a gardening question? Don’t hesitate to ask it! Grammie Olivia loves to help gardeners with their problems or listen to their successes. Bookmark the site and come and join us as we get ready for the upcoming season. It is NEVER too early to start planning your garden and it will help to fill in those cold nights with some warmth as we look forward to the longer days and warmer temperatures that are sure to be on their way to us.

Along with our gardening site, check out some of the most interesting places to buy your seeds, bulbs, corms, trees, and a host of other gardening materials to help you on your way….you will find a list of links on!

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Happy Learning and See you soon!



Olivia Morris is a writer with many talents. She is passionate about many subjects and loves to share her knowledge and experiences on the internet. In particular she enjoys sharing details about the products she loves and recommends them thanks to her own personal experiences. In recent years, Olivia has become a passionate and experienced gardener and enjoys sharing her knowledge with you. See more about Olivia on her profile at The Writer’s Door. See more of her work at her website.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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