Re-purposing Wine Bottles: Wall Vases

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We drink wine. Often. And this means that we have lots of wine bottles to recycle or re-purpose. A lot of the time, I must admit, we put them into the recycling. That’s fine but I love ideas for using them to make décor items or useful goods for the home.

This is one I especially love.

It’s so simple but looks so good.

If you wander into Home Depot, or any DIY store, you’ll find plenty of u-clamps or strap clamps. Check out the plumbing or electrical departments. Or a member of the staff will point you in the right direction. These clamps are available for pennies and come in a variety of sizes and styles.

Measure your wine bottles – they clamps you need will be about 1½ inches. If you find that they are a little too large, wrap a rubber band round the neck of the bottle where the clamp is going to go.

I like the industrial look of the clamps (the copper ones look great too) but you can also buy decorative versions. Or alternatively, use your creativity to paint or varnish them to suit your décor.

Just use the clamps to attach the wine bottles to the wall.  You might prefer to attach them to a stained piece of wood (or a lovely piece of driftwood you found on the beach) and then hang that on your wall. These can be used in the home or outside – they look great on a patio or attached to a wooden fence.

Fill the bottles with fresh water if you intend to use cut flowers and foliage. Otherwise, fill them – half way up – with sand, fine pebbles or beads. Those will be excellent for displaying items that don’t need water, such as artificial flowers (as shown in the photograph) or distinctively shaped twigs.


Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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