What names would you choose for the new royal baby?

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What names would you choose for the new royal baby?

Catherine Duchess of CambridgeThe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – William and Catherine – are expecting their second child in April, 2015. This baby will be the sibling of George Alexander Louis, born in the summer of 2013.

In the UK, bookmakers are taking (and will presumably make) a fortune as people bet on a) the birth date b) whether the child will be  boy or a girl and c) what the names will be.

Regarding  the sex of the baby, the majority are betting on it being a girl. This could be because there’s a natural ‘rightness’ of a girl following a boy but I think that others will have noticed that Catherine looks different this time round.

Comparing this pregnancy with the previous one, Catherine’s face seems rounder and she seems to have gained more weight. Whether this is merely an old wives tale or actually borne out in fact remains to be seen. But the big question is:

What will be the name of the new royal baby?

Most punters in Britain are betting on Alice or Elizabeth. Both are good, family names. I’m sure that the parents are aware that this child could one day be king or queen and will name their child accordingly. Of the two names, that makes Elizabeth more likely as it will honour the  present queen and her mother.

Next in line in popularity are Charlotte and Victoria. England had had queens with both those names (Charlotte being the consort of George III). To me, both those names are declining in popularity – somehow they don’t seem right for today but of the two, I prefer Charlotte, I think (Let me know below what your thoughts are).

The next choices for  girl are Alexandra and Diana. It’s likely that Alexandra is out of the running though, as George has Alexander and his middle name. For the same reason, that lets out Georgia and Louisa. Diana? I doubt it. The remaining girls’ names that people are betting on are Catherine and Mary. Naming a child after a parent isn’t common these days so I suspect that rules out Catherine.

It would therefore rule out William for  boy. That currently has odds of fourteen to one. The most popular names people are betting on for a boy are Richard, James and Arthur, closely followed by  Philip and Henry.

One name for a girl that hasn’t been suggested is Caroline. There have been several royal British Carolines so my guesses are:

Caroline Elizabeth Alice

James Frederick Thomas




Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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