Art: The Beauty of Birds

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Seabird artwork by Andy Royston

Even ancient man was fascinated by birds.  Prehistoric cave paintings often feature birds and other winged creatures and since ancient times,they have been used symbolically in many cultures. And we still continue that fascination to this day. It’s hardly surprising – birds represent a freedom that we don’t have; the ability to soar into the air, go anywhere, fly to their dreams (or ours).

That’s one of the reasons why artwork featuring birds is so popular today. No matter what our own roots are, it’s certain that our ancestors decorated their homes with images of birds – they were seen as messengers from the gods, good luck symbols and some cultures believe that they represent eternal life – they are the link between the earth and the heavens.

Today, we are unlikely to attribute mythical symbolism to these creatures but we still, deep down, envy their freedom and are aware of the fact that these myths are deep-rooted. As happens so often, science has proved that we can learn from our ancestors.



We know today through scientific research that our visual senses affect not only our mood and happiness but also our physical well-being. Millions of dollars have been spent on research into the psychological effects of colour and form – these studies have shown that connecting with nature offers huge benefits to our psychological and physical health.

We can’t all be as fortunate as photographer Andy Royston, whose bird artwork you see here. He walks on the beach every morning capturing the natural environment. But research has shown that the nature we interact with (or should) on a daily basis doesn’t require us to rise before dawn as Andy does to capture his images. This is why bird artwork is perennially popular.



Birds can walk on the earth like we do, they can swim in the ocean as we do but then,on a whim, they can soar into the skies.



We can only imagine what birds see. We can approximate it from our planes, hot air balloons, hang gliders – for centuries men have tried to emulate the bird. But we will never truly know what it’s like to take off into the skies under our own power, going our own way.



Birds fascinate us because they come in so many different shapes and sizes. Some, like the sanderlings above, are playful, skittish and almost like mischievous children. Contrast them to the elegant swan, or the predatory hawk … or the pelican below.



How you can own Andy Royston’s artwork

framedAlthough Andy sells limited edition, high-quality giclees of his artwork, he has been persuaded (by me, your helpful author) to make his stunning images available at a price that is affordable to us all.

After experimenting with various services, he decided on the prestigious Fine Art America.

Prints are available either in frames or on their own- that way you can use a favourite frame or one to suit your own decor. Prints on canvas are also available via the Fine Art America site.

Andy has also added  the potential of having each artwork available on greeting cards – you can make a friend’s day with one of these inexpensive keepsakes.

Click on any of the images on this page or here to see all the artwork Andy has made available to us all.





Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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