Signs in The Rearview Mirror: Leaving a Toxic Relationship Behind

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Kelly Smith’s Debut Novel

Today we are pleased to spotlight Signs in the Rearview Mirror: Leaving a Toxic Relationship Behind, by Kelly Smith.  Her first novel is proving to be an inspirational, helpful book for many, whether inside or outside of a relationship.

We hope you will check out the information below and get a copy for you and a friend. Knowledge is often the first step to change.

Ms. Smith is currently on a virtual tour with iRead Book Tours now through July 7th. As part of the tour the author has written an article for Jaquo Lifestyle Magazine.  Do read it below.


Life After Releasing my Debut Novel

By Kelly Smith

When I started to write my series Signs in the Rearview Mirror; Leaving a Toxic Relationship Behind, turned book, I had no idea what life would look like after its release. In my mind I imagined writing, turning in my completed manuscript into my editor and then collecting a paycheck.

WOW. I could not have been more wrong. After pouring my heart out all of my laptop and turning it in, it was returned to me so many times for rewrites my head was spinning. There were days I sat in my office and yelled at my words for not doing what I wanted them to do.

Then the release came. But months before that I began to promote my book. This was also not an easy task nor was it cheap. But when it was released and I began to promote, I saw the way people reacted to it and slowly I began to appreciate the time and effort I put into my book. I wrote it with the intention to help and to inspire others and it was working.

I have received messages from all the world thanking me for writing this book. People have stopped me in public to thank me and just want to meet me. It has been surreal, but also an incredible ride. I look forward to beginning my next project of my second book, but for now I will continue to enjoy this ride and promote my book so I can help as many people as I can.


The Tour


Book Details:

Book Title: Signs in the Rearview Mirror: Leaving a Toxic Relationship Behind
Author: Kelly Smith
Category: Adult Non-Fiction, 214 pages
Genre: Self-help, Relationships
Publisher: Sunny Day Publishing
Release date: April 2018
Tour dates: June 18 to July 7, 2018
Content Rating: PG-13 (This book contains real-life violence, but also meant for young people who are old enough to date)

Book Description:

What kind of person ends up in toxic relationship? And why does she stay? This searingly honest novel answers both those questions head on. Coming-out of a failing marriage, Kelly turns to Gabe out of fear offing alone. Her gradual slide into danger is at once terrifying and inevitable, and the steps she takes to get out of it will both inspire and offer help.

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Meet the Author:



Boston born and raised, Kelly now makes her home in Austin with her three sons and one amazing Giant Schnauzer Bullseye. Kelly has written for the Huffington Post, blogs at Thoughts Becoming Words, and hosts a podcast Let’s Get Wicked Deep.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram

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Merry Citarella, often writing as Merrci, writes on a wide range of topics. Recently relocated to the Oregon Coast in the northwest United States, she frequently writes travel features on the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She specializes in health and aging, Alzheimer’s Disease, food, lifestyle, and book reviews. For more information you can see her on The Writers’Door. You can read more articles here or at her websites Alzheimers HQ and Simple Living Ideas

Author: Merry Citarella

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