Easily add images to Twitter

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Buffer_mainYou know that the Twitter buttons you see on web pages are the quickest and easiest way to post your articles to your Twitter followers but most of them don’t allow you to add an image. I mean the buttons like the one you see at the top of this page.

And yet tweets with images are far more successful than those without. You might not have the time to open up an app or a special webpage to add an images and using those built-in Twitter buttons is so easy. It takes only a couple of seconds from the pop-up window. Is there an answer?

Yes there is and all you need to do is sign up for a free account at Buffer.

As you know,when you click the ‘tweet’ button, a new page pops up – you then press ‘tweet’ and the job is done and you can get on with your work. But see what happens once you have a Buffer account.


In addition to the tweet button, there is now a Buffer button. Click on that and this is what you’ll see.

See the little camera icon? Click that and you can add an image from your computer. This is a great way to make your message stand out as you can see from the screenshot from my Tweetdeck at the top of the page. Adding the image will probably take you thirty seconds, yet you have made your message more useful to your followers and more noticeable and attractive. Below you can see that the image has been added. Note too that you can connect Buffer to your Facebook, Google + or LinkedIn accounts too


See the blue button at the bottom right? You can choose whether to add it to the queue to be published later, you can schedule it or send it right there and then.


This is a fabulous time saver, it makes your tweets more appealing and best of all, it’s absolutely free 🙂



Jackie Jackson, also known online as BritFlorida, is a highly experienced designer and writer. British born and now living in the USA, she specialises in lifestyle issues, design and quirky stories. You can see a wide range of articles here, or visit her website Tastes Magazine. See The Writer’s Door for more information.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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