A Vegetable Stir-Fry Recipe That Kids Love

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A Vegetable Stir-Fry Recipe That Kids Love

I’m sure lots of children have trouble eating vegetables because they are cooked badly. Imagine being faced with soggy boiled green things that taste horrible! My solution is to prepare fresh crunchy vegetable stir-fry.

I think there’s more to this aversion to veggies than meets the eye. Did you know that babies are frightened of plants? They have an innate reluctance to touch plants because of the toxins and thorns, which after all could be poisonous. I must say I didn’t notice this when my son was a toddler, but then I wasn’t looking out for it. So if you have a toddler next time you’re both in the park see what happens when you go near a plant.

I wonder if this could this be why young children don’t like eating greens? Possibly. It’s probably because they are often quite bitter, and children really don’t like that do they?

I know that my son was a really fussy eater when it came to vegetables. When he was very little I made sure that he ate lots of veggies, and he was virtually a vegetarian, but he didn’t like green things very much at all.

I had to be very sneaky in the kitchen and disguise them as much as possible, and make sure that he ate plenty of the ones he would tolerate like peas and green beans.

He liked pesto sauce, which is great because it is made with raw basil. Here’s a great pesto recipe passed down to me from my Italian grandmother.

But most of all he loved my vegetable stir-fry. I think this was due to the fact that it was lightly cooked and still crunchy.

I have experimented with quite a few different versions of this dish but basically he ate whatever I chopped up and put in it. I still chop up any mixture of vegetable and quickly fry them over a very hot flame with a dash of soy sauce, and he has always eaten them up with relish – he’s 14 now!

Here’s a link to my article with my full vegetable stir-fry recipe. There’s a funny story about salad leaves, snails, and my 4 year old too!

Here’s a great stainless steel quality stir-fry pan that will make life a little easier and much more fun in the kitchen!

Hope this recipe works for you too.



Giovanna Sanguinetti has been a teacher for many years and loves teaching dyslexic children. She is a qualified and experienced teacher of drama and theatre arts too. Her big love is theatre directing. She lives in London and is currently embarking on a very exciting project home educating her son through his exams years of school. While she does this she will continue writing online about education. Giovanna also loves adventure travel and is passionate about responsible and sustainable travel. She enjoys writing about this and has her own brand-new website. She is also the Travel Feature Editor on Tastes Magazine.

Author: Jackie Jackson

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