Who was Peg Entwistle?

Who was Peg Entwhistle?
Peg Entwistle was British girl. To be accurate she was born in 1908 in Wales to English parents. She was the eldest child of Robert Entwistle, an actor.
It’s unclear whether her mother died or whether her parents were divorced but her father married again and Peg acquired two half-brothers.
By 1913, the family had moved to the United States but their home was soon disrupted when Robert Entwistle was the victim of a hit and run accident. Presumably, his second wife was no longer around by this time – or incapable of looking after the family – as the three children were adrift.
However, their uncle had also accompanied the family when they moved from England to America and he took in the three children. He was the manager of a well-known Broadway actor.
This fact determined Peg’s future.
She embarked upon a successful career on Broadway, thanks to the start that her family connections had created for her. She was often mentioned by Bette Davis as one of the greatest ever actresses.
By the thirties, her next move was almost inevitable and she moved to Hollywood. This was to be her downfall.
Peg Entwistle was the woman who jumped from the Hollywood sign
Actually, I must be accurate here. In those days, the sign read ‘Hollywoodland’. But the fact remains that on September 16, 1932, she left the home of her uncle where she was staying, scrambled up to the top of the sign (the letter ‘H’to be precise) and took her own life. Her story has now become legendary.
Her body was found two days later and there was no doubt of her intentions – she had left a note.
It didn’t explain why she had done what she did. To this day, we are not truly sure of her motives. It does seem to be very eloquent though; the fact that she chose such a location.
Was it her final comment about Hollywood and the movie industry?
September 18, 2016
A sad story and one which is still occasionally repeated today. There are many hollywood actors and actresses who have difficulty coping with the stresses and strains of the industry and every now and then one of them takes their own life. A sad indictment on our modern world.
September 18, 2016
Indeed it is. It’s so sad that youngsters need ‘public approval’ rather than getting by on their own merits.